Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Come Celebrate with Us August 29, 30th

One Faith—One Mission—One Action
115th Anniversary of Zion Lutheran Church
Saturday, August 29—Sunday, August 30

We will begin celebrating Zion’s 115th Anniversary on Saturday,
August 29th. At 4:00 pm, those who were confirmed at Zion are invited to a reunion of the classes. There will be a prize for the class with the greatest percent in attendance, the one who traveled the farthest and the oldest confirmed member from Zion. Punch and finger snacks will be served.

Continuing at 5:30, we will have other members join us to picnic inside. We will be serving BBQ pork sandwiches, potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans and of course, birthday cupcakes. A power point presentation will run during our meal with pictures and remembrances that were shared at our Legacy dinner in July. Rev. Karl N. Redelsheimer will be our guest speaker for the evening, and our entertainment will be the “Bruce and Don Show”. We have invited some of our past Pastors and their families to be guests with us. A free will offering will be taken to offset the cost of the meal.

We will conclude the evening of remembrance by focusing on our theme of One Faith—One Mission—One Action. Our faith in God and faith in His plans for Zion, as He has led us for 115 years; He still has great plans for us. Our Mission: We Are a Caring Congregation Committed to Sharing Christ’s Love with the World” are One
Action by you during the upcoming year that demonstrates your faith and Zion’s mission.

On Sunday, August 30 at 9:00 a.m., we will have a special worship
service. Our guest speaker is Pastor Jeff Clements, Assistant to the Bishop, from the NI Synod; Julane Nease will speak to us about our “Jeremiah Project”; our Music Director, Carleen Courtney, is preparing special music with the Bell Choir and Senior Choir; we will conclude the Roof Donations Project and have a Birthday cake reception following the service. We are also planning a reaffirmation of our Mission Statement and your one Action.

No birthday is complete without a present. It would be a blessing if we could make our gift in increments of 115. You could give: 115 days of continued prayer for Zion’s mission (that would be until Christmas Eve), 115 minutes of extra service to Zion this year, or a monetary gift of $115 as a “Faith Offering” which would help us reach our budget goals for 2009.

If you are planning to attend the Saturday, August 29th Anniversary meal, please call the church office or sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Anniversary committee is looking for…
The Anniversary Committee is looking for families that have four (4) generations still worshipping at Zion. We are also looking for the members of the church who have worshipped here for 80 years, 85 years, or 90 years. If this is you, please call Kathy at the church office so we can recognize you during our celebration. Just call 815.547.6102.

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